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hydro metering services

Metering Services

Why metering is a good idea.

You only pay for what you use. You are in control!

Because owners have control over their own energy costs, they will be able to use it in ways that best allow them to conserve.

Metering is fair for all owners and renters.

Metering gives owners and renters direct control over their own energy consumption and costs.

People who pay their own energy bills consume less.

Studies show that those who pay their own electricity bill will use less electricity. The consumption savings have been demonstrated to be as much as
20 percent or more. *

Metering is the right course of action for owners and tenants.

When a building is metered, building management becomes responsible for only common area usage. The resulting budget is lower and more predictable, which makes for more stable cost management and lower maintenance fees.

*“The Impact of Sub-Metering on Condominium Electricity Demand”, Donald Dewees and Trevor Tombe, Department of Economics, University of Toronto, 13 July 2010.

What is Sub-Metering?

what is sub-metering infographic

Sub or Smart Metering is the installation of utility meters into individual units within a multi-family development (i.e. apartment or condominiums). Usually a multi-family building has one master meter for the entire building and is responsible for the entire water and sewer bill. This cost is then divided evenly by the number of units in the building and passed on via rent or association dues.

When a building is sub-metered, the costs are divided between each individual unit based on their own consumption. So units that use less electricity pay less instead of paying for those who use more.

O•H•Metering is part of OEC group of companies.

O•H•Metering offers Electricity, Water, Thermal and Gas Metering.

OH Metering

861 Redwood Square
Oakville, ON L6L 6R6

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