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Putting Power in the Hands of the People
O·H·Metering Empowers Consumers to Save Energy and Money
There are millions of people across North America that currently have no control over the amount they pay for their utilities each month and O·H·Metering is working to change this. Condo owners, apartment tenants, and building residents often share the costs of electricity, gas, and water use with all of the residents in their building and this is a problem.
By sharing costs, there is no incentive for individuals to conserve. By sharing costs, people have no control over their monthly energy bills.
O·H·Metering is revolutionizing energy conservation by putting the incentive to conserve and the power to save into the hands of consumers. By installing electricity, gas, and water meters in individual apartment and condo units, all tenants are empowered to conserve energy and are rewarded with lower utility bills every month. O·H·Metering also gives suite owners and tenants access to online energy reporting allowing them to track their individual energy usage and calculate their savings.
Simple acts like adjusting electricity use habits to take advantage of lower energy pricing; installing low energy LED lighting; setting up a programmable thermostat, or using low flow toilets can help condo and apartment residents lower their monthly bills. O·H·Metering also offers conservation ideas and tips to help individuals reduce their energy use and save money.
Building Managers and Condo Boards also appreciate the benefits of the O·H·Metering program. Each unit assumes its own utility account and O·H Metering does the meter reading, billing and collection; and O·H·Metering and maintains all of the equipment. Managers and Boards are freed up to focus their time and efforts on other important tasks and issues of running their building.
The benefits realized include O·H·Metering providing innovative options for installing and metering new technologies. One key example of this is electric vehicle charging stations. Many people are making the switch from fossil-fueled vehicles to electric vehicles and they want the option to charge those vehicles in their building. This has been a challenge to implement for many buildings, especially when it comes to the fair allocation of electricity costs. O·H·Metering has numerous solutions for buildings to meet this need.
We all want to make a difference, and we all want to save money. O·H·Metering gives people the tools they need to make wise energy choices and control their utility costs. Individual metering is the future and O·H·Metering is leading the way!